Reconstruction of the Public Warning and Notification System
Project identification: A3-B
Project nameReconstruction of the Public Warning and Notification System
project statusCompleted
DescriptionThe Goal of the A3-B project, developed by MicroStep-MIS, spol. s r.o., according to the contract no. BIDSF 012 1 001 with Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a.s., has been the reconstruction of the warning and notification system in the respective objects, as well as extension of the system into the newly built objects, not previously joined to the system. The reconstruction concerned the inner warning system (VAR): installation of new notifiers with warning devices, system communication network extension, establishment of a new control center enabling automatic activation of the system, the outer warning system (VAR): installation of new roof sirens, and the inner notification system (VYR): reconstruction of the relay radio system and transfer of the ZUZANA system. The goal of the reconstruction has been separation of the part of the system network managed by the Client from the SE, a.s. part of the network and extension of the system, as well as its connection with the relay radio system, its preparedness for automatic activation of the system, extension of the system life time, and its accordance with the respective legal standards.