Integrated Management System
An Integrated Management System (hereinafter referred to as “IMS”) is a management system, in which each employee has his/her specific position, tasks, competencies, responsibilities and appropriate powers/authority. Relevant financial, technical and human resources for its maintenance are provided by IMS of company JAVYS, a.s. in accordance with resources for ensuring the nuclear safety of nuclear facilities of JAVYS, a.s.
Physical boundaries and applicability of the integrated management system have been defined.
The company’s IMS is based on the mission of company JAVYS, a.s., on policies approved by the Board of Directors and on the company's Organizational Order.
Subject of activities and services provided by company JAVYS, a.s., covered by the applied IMS, includes the following:
- Decommissioning of nuclear facilities,
- Management of radioactive waste, institutional radioactive waste, collected radioactive materials, and
- Management of spent nuclear fuel,
while when defining this subject of activities, the context of an organization as well as requirements of relevant stakeholders were taken into consideration.
IMS of company JAVYS, a.s. has been established in line with requirements or recommendations of the following:
- Standard ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems. Requirements,
- Standard ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems. Requirements with instructions for use,
- Standard ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems. Requirements with guidance on use,
- Standard ISO/IEC 20000-1: 2018 Information technologies. Management of services. Part 1: Service Management System Requirements,
- Section 25 par. 1 of the Act No. 541/2004 Coll. on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy (Atomic Act) and on amendments and supplements to certain Acts as amended, with details in a Regulation of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (NRA SR) No. 431/2011 Coll. on the Quality Management System, as amended,
- IAEA GSR Safety Requirements, Part 2 Leadership and Management for Safety.
The company's IMS is implemented and maintained as a company management tool to manage all processes in the company. The IMS of company JAVYS, a.s. is in accordance with policies primarily focused on ensuring the nuclear safety of nuclear facilities, but also includes processes focused on Occupational Health & Safety, environmental protection, radiation protection, economic efficiency, IT services and other aspects of business activities.
The following policies are in place in JAVYS, a.s.:
- The IMS policy, in which the following are integrated - Quality Policy, Environmental Policy, Occupational Health & Safety Policy, Information Technologies Services Policy and Risks Management Policy
- Safety policy
- Employees´ professional training policy.
The IMS of company JAVYS, a.s. is based on the principles of company process management.
From this point of view, the processes are divided and defined to cover the scope of all activities taking into account their particular specificities.
From this point of view, the processes are divided and defined to cover the scope of all activities taking into account their particular specificities.
In terms of determining the sequence and interactions of identified processes of the company, the basic processes are divided as follows:
- Cross-sectional managerial processes - processes that maintain the company consolidated and manageable.
- Key processes - these processes are used to fulfil the company's mission.
- Supporting cross-sectional processes - these are the processes that significantly support the operation and management of the company.
Company JAVYS, a.s. holds the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 certificates.