Disposal of RAW
JAVYS, a. s. operates nuclear facility of National Radwaste Repository. In this repository is stored radioactive waste isolated from the environment, what is the final step in the entire process of their management.
National Radwaste Repository is designated for the final disposal of solid and solidified low and very low radioactive waste. First fibre-concrete container with solidified RAW will be stored into repository in 2000. It is formed by set of storing boxes placed into four rows in two disposal boxes, so-called double-rows. Each disposal box has a capacity of 90 fibre-concrete containers. In first two double-rows (80 disposal boxes) with its overall capacity of 7 200 fibre-concrete containers were by 31st December 2016 stored 4 804 of such containers.
In 2016, a disposal facility was put into operation in the area of v National Radwaste Repository for storing of very low level waste. This waste, mainly contaminated soil and crushed concrete are stored in disposal boxes in so-called big-bags.