Transport of RAW and SNF


The company JAVYS, a. s., performs transport of:

  • Spent nuclear fuel,
  • Radioactive waste,
  • Institutional radioactive waste and captured radioactive materials.

The company owns appropriate approved transportation facilities and means of transport used not only in the company site but also outside its area. To perform these activities, the company employs the qualified personnel and owns necessary technical equipment as well as respective licenses from the regulatory authorities.

Spent nuclear fuel transports
The company JAVYS, a. s. transports spent nuclear fuel from the reactor units under operation in C-30 type containers on special railway carriages. The transports are subject to strict security measures, they are performed in a safe and reliable manner in compliance with legislation requirements and conditions of valid licenses for handling and transport of spent nuclear fuel.

Radioactive waste transports
The JAVYS, a.s. company transports solid, fixed and liquid RAW to the nuclear facility Radioactive Waste Processing and Treatment Technology (RWPTT) on Jaslovské Bohunice site in the approved transport equipment (solid RAW in ISO containers, in 200 l drums, in container PKIII/drums; liquid RAW in containers PK/SK, PKIII/sludges). The liquid RAW from the A1 NPP nuclear facility is possible to be transported to RWPTT also directly through the pipeline.
From the nuclear facilities in Jaslovské Bohunice, the JAVYS, a.s. company transports solid and fixed RAW to the nuclear facility Final Treatment of Liquid RAW (FS KRAO) in Mochovce in the approved transport equipment – in ISO containers. It is only possible to transport the liquid RAW to FS KRAO through a direct pipeline from the units EMO1, 2 under operation.

Transport of Institutional RAW and CRAM
Transport of institutional RAW and captured radioactive materials is performed by transport devices in the approved transport equipment.

V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities