Development of Deep Geological Repository
Legislation of European Union requires Member Countries to build capacities for disposal of radioactive waste. As a part of solving this problem there are national programs for development of deep geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste. Thanks to the system of engineering and geological barriers such repositories are able to provide permanent insulation of spent fuel and high level radioactive waste from the environment. Development of a deep geological repository in the Slovak Republic has been systematically addressed since 1996. Until 2001, five exploration sites were chosen in a process of continuous evaluation and reducing the number of candidate localities, where the basic research was performed.
The company JAVYS, a. s., has been authorized by the Ministry of Economy of the SR to elaborate proposal of further proceedings to continue with the project aimed at development of the deep geological repository. The activities performed have been focused on a review of works performed till now in the project of the development of the deep geological repository (1996 - 2001), update of feasibility study, development of public relation strategy and a detailed action plan for the years 2017 - 2023.
Based on up-to-date knowledge in the process of the site selection and practical experience it was recommended to perform a survey in two most suitable geological environments in the years 2017 - 2023. The objective of further selection is in identification of such geological barrier which together with suitable technical solution of the repository and engineering barriers, will be able to provide long term radiation protection in compliance with requirements of the national regulatory bodies, EU legislation and the standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency.