Second Stage of V1 NPP Decommissioning
The aim of the 2nd stage of V1 NPP decommissioning (2015-2027) is the decommissioning of structures and buildings in the power plant nuclear island, i.e. the reactor, steam generators, main reactor building, auxiliary operations building and remaining auxiliary buildings, which have not been decommissioned in the 1st stage of decommissioning.
Main activities in the second stage of the decommissioning the V1 NPP are the following:
- preparation and dismantling of reactors of Unit 1 and 2,
- preparation and dismantling of the primary circuit equipment,
- dismantling of other equipment in the controlled area,
- contamination removal from technologies as well as from buildings and subsequent radiation monitoring of cleanliness of systems and buildings
- demolition of original buildings down to their foundation slab,
- site restoration and its release from under the administration of the Atomic Act with subsequent release into environment for unrestricted industrial use.
The above-mentioned activities will be consistently managed and supported by activities, such as project management, technical support, supporting systems operation, radiation protection, maintenance, industrial and radiation safety and other.
From the technical point of view, the most challenging activities in the 2nd stage of decommissioning will include intended dismantling of reactors and dismantling of related equipment of the reactor coolant system, which apart from special radiation characteristics, may be considered to be technological challenge regarding their manipulation, since they are focused on dismantling of large components with weight exceeding 100 tonnes. Also, due to this, selection of the optimal alternative of the reactor dismantling was made after the special study has been drafted. This study defined detailed proposals of procedures/sequences for individual alternatives of dismantling, including their safety and economic characteristics.
Other activities, such as dismantling of other general equipment in the controlled area and outside the controlled area, decontamination and radiation monitoring of civil structure surfaces, demolition of buildings and site restoration are standard activities, for which the employees of company JAVYS, a.s. are fully experienced.
Planned final state of the V1 NPP decommissioning project after completion of the 2nd stage will represent the area, where all radioactive wastes have been processed and removed; buildings have been demolished up to the bottom of the construction pit. Subsequently, after detailed inspection and after backfilling of construction pits, the site shall be restored, released from the administrative control in line with provisions of the Act No. 541/2004 Coll. on peaceful use of nuclear energy and made accessible for unrestricted use, i.e. also for non-nuclear industrial use of the site.