RAW management facilities at Kozloduy NPP

Project:  “Technical design and update of the safety documentation for modernization of the RAW management facilities at Kozloduy NPP (D-48-1)”;

Consortium: IDOM (ES) – JAVYS – ATP Atomtoploproekt, Ltd. (BG);


The project focuses on the modernization of the management system of RAW coming from the decommissioning of Kozloduy NPP Units 1 to 4, through its takeover, treatment and interim storage of the final product within the premises of the company SERAW. Modernization of the RAW management technology shall support the progress of the Kozloduy NPP decommissioning project.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Development of the Technical Design (models and schemes) for the upgrade of the RAWPP, i.e. the RAW management facility;
  • Development of the Technical Design (models and schemes) for the upgrade of SCFRAW, i.e. the RAW storage, handling and transport facilities;
  • Update of Safety Analysis for the RAWPP Facility;
  • Support to the Client to implement the licensing requirements for the RAWPP Facility of regulatory authorities and other public institutions.

JAVYS represents a design consultant of individual technologies in the selected project tasks considering the fact that the design activity itself is a responsibility of the consortium partners IDOM and ATP.

V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities