Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund (BIDSF)
Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund (BIDSF) for shutdown of both units of V1 NPP in Jaslovské Bohunice was established based on the Slovak Government Decision on immediate decommissioning of V1 NPP as a compensation of the European Union. The administrator of BIDSF is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The financing of the V1 NPP decommissioning projects from the sources of BIDSF is implemented on the basis of the Grant Agreements, in which the framework definitions of the scope of projects and grants for financing of the individual projects are set forth.
Projects financed from the BIDSF are managed by Project Management Unit (PMU), which consists of JAVYS, a.s. employees and the PMU Consultant
The task of PMU is to provide the project management, i.e. the process of its defining, preparation, tendering, and implementation up to its completion.
As of 20th July, 2011 the operation of V1 NPP was officially finished and V1 entered the decommissioning phase following the Decision of ÚJD (Nuclear regulatory authority) SR No. 400/2011 "The licence for the 1st stage of V1 nuclear power plant decommissioning of Unit 1 and 2". Conceptually, V1 NPP decommissioning was based on two fundamental documents - The V1 NPP Conceptual Decommissioning Plan (BIDSF project B6.1) and The Environmental Impact Assessment Report of V1 NPP Decommissioning (BIDSF project B6.2). On the ground of the aforementioned documents the option for V1 NPP decommissioning, the so-called „Immediate decommissioning option“ was selected and approved by the management of JAVYS, a.s. and MŽP SR (Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic). The main reason for this selection is the continuance of radioactive waste processing on existing facilities, as well as continuance of the transfer of knowledge and lessons learned of V1 NPP facility. The activities and concept of V1 NPP immediate decommissioning option were defined in The V1 NPP Decommissioning 1st Stage Plan & Other Documentation (BIDSF project B6.3). This document together with V1 NPP Decommissioning Strategy developed by the PMU Consultant are basic strategic documents enabling to define projects, their concept of implementation and duration, as well as stating of costs necessary for the implementation.
The common body of the Slovak Republic and the EBRD, established for the mutual sharing of information on the implementation of the BIDSF activities, is the Joint Committee of the Slovak Republic and the EBRD. JAVYS ensures realisation of the projects in compliance with the EBRD social and environmental policies. In frame of communication it provides information also by means of request form, which can be sent to contacts indicated on JAVYS web page.
By the end of 2015, company JAVYS, a.s. has concluded in total 18 Grant Agreements with the EBRD for financing of the V1 NPP decommissioning projects from the BIDSF sources, totalling to € 456 560 000 (of these 8 Grant Agreements were already cancelled).