EU Bohunice Programme
The V1 NPP decommissioning activities are co-financed from the programme for providing financial support of the European Union for the measures related to the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant (NPP) V1 by means of Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund (BIDSF Fund), administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. On the basis of Delegation Agreement from 2016, the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency became National Agency for the Bohunice Programme. Financial means of the Bohunice Programme are currently distributed between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency. The objective of the Bohunice Programme is to help the Slovak Republic to implement the process leading to the final decommissioning of two units of the V1 NPP in compliance with the decommissioning plans while maintaining the highest level of safety.