Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials

The company JAVYS, a. s., is the authorized organization for management and manipulation with abandoned emitters, radioactive waste of unknown origin, unused emitters and radioactive materials. By its activities in the area of management of such specific materials the company performs a socially responsible task consisting mainly of environmental protection and public health protection in the Slovak Republic.
Institutional radioactive waste and captured radioactive materials are safely stored in the special facility in Mochovce until the time of their processing and treatment on technological lines of JAVYS, a. s. company and their subsequent final disposal. All activities connected with their management and transport are performed in compliance with valid legislation, regulations and decisions of regulatory bodies.

V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities