Organization Membership

JAVYS is a collective member of the following home and foreign expert organizations and institutions.

Logo Organization
Bohunice Citizen Information Commission (OIK Bohunice)

The Bohunice Citizen Information Commission was established to improve public awareness of the inhabitants of the region within the danger perimeter about the nuclear facilities at Jaslovské Bohunice and all aspects of their operation, the safety and influence of these nuclear facilities on the environment through delegates of the SE, JAVYS, JESS and the ZMO, región JE Jaslovské Bohunice.

The OIK Bohunice has 16 members, made up by representatives of the ZMO, región JE Jaslovské Bohunice, and of JAVYS and SE, JESS.


Mochovce Citizen Information Commission (OIK Mochovce)

The Mochovce Citizen Information Commission was established to improve awareness of the inhabitants of the region within the danger perimeter of the Mochovce nuclear energy compound about all aspects of its operation and about the safety and influence of theMochovce NPP and the National Radioactive Waste Repository (NRWR) on the environment through the citizens’ delegates.

The OIK Mochovce is made up of representatives of townships and institutions from within a 20km radius of the Mochovce NPP.  The representatives of the citizens work together with appointed representatives of SE and JAVYS.

Slovak Nuclear Society (SNUS)

The Slovak Nuclear Society is a voluntary association of experts, the professional and study interests of which revolve around nuclear technology, nuclear energy and the uses of ionizing radiation. It is a part of the European Nuclear Society (ENS). The SNUS coordinates expert activities of other organizations in the Slovak Republic as well as international relations and cooperation. It works with social, governmental and municipal organizations and authorities, with companies and media.

Slovak Nuclear Forum (SJF)

The Slovak Nuclear Forum was established as an association of citizens who support the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The purpose of the association is to provide information about all the aspects of nuclear technology to the Slovak public, as well as to provide truthful information about the Slovak nuclear energy industry to people abroad. In 2000 the SJF was accepted into the international, Brussels based, Foratom organization. By joining the Foratom the activities of the SJF gained a new dimension and the opportunity for presentation on an internationally renowned stage, especially in EU countries.

The Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia (ZZES)

The Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia is a voluntary interest organization. It is an independent organization, associating SR Employers, the field of operations of which includes the production and distribution of electrical energy (possibly in combination with thermal energy) and activities directly connected to these, such as research, design, production, construction and operation of equipment used in energetics.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD / NEA)

CPD (Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning)
A joint decommissioning program initiated by the NEA in 1985. It is an agreement between OECD member states with one or more decommissioning processes running, and currently the program encompasses 22 organizations from 12 countries, working on a total of 42 projects.

The purpose of the program is to exchange scientific, technological, planning, safety, economic, project management and other information concerning decommissioning projects.

WPDD (Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling)
WPDD is a workgroup focusing on decommissioning and dismantling, founded in 2001. It harbors experts from the field of decommissioning from 21 OECD member states as well as observers. It associates especially those experts, which have a broad knowledge from the field of decommissioning or dismantling. The  experts then supervise, do research or development work, or form new policies.

DCEG (Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group)
A group formed for determining decommissioning costs is a workgroup created by the WPDD in November 2007. Its purpose is to enhance the information and experience exchange in the field of determining decommissioning costs and the defining and solutions of studies, which concentrate on the improving upon the reliability and comprehensiveness of cost estimation, among the OECD member states, including representatives of the European Commission and the IAEA.

The DISPONET project

The network of repository operators (International Low-Level Waste Disposal Network – acronym DISPONET) was created by the IAEA, as a non-profit forum with a mission to support national low and intermediate activity RAW management programs.

DISPONET makes the exchange of practical experience from the field of building and operating low and intermediate activity RAW repositories more effective.

JAVYS is a member of this network, having a “Participants” status – it is in the interest of organizations responsible for the development and construction of repositories to be taking part in this program.…

V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities