P67 - Strengthening CBRN Waste Management Capabilities

JAVYS is member of a diverse and skilled European consortium for EU funded CBRN project to enhance the management, handling and disposal of hazardous CBRN waste material.

The purpose of this project is to support the long-term objectives of the governments of the South-East and Eastern European (SEEE) region partner countries. These are; 1) the sustainable development and management of their hazardous CBRN waste materials, resources and contaminated environments, and 2) the safe and secure handling, transportation and the disposal of CBRN waste in the industry and in the public domain.

The project is implemented to support the partner countries of the SEEE region, namely Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

For more information please visit: www.cbrn-project67.com



V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities