Javys, a.s.

Commercial activities

The company JAVYS, a.s. has a significant position in the Central Europe and represents a respected partner also for foreign companies by its responsible and competent assurance of the back-end part of nuclear power engineering focusing on safety, quality and protection of the environment.

Due to the capacity limitation of the Slovak nuclear services market, development of foreign commercial activities represents a key factor determining economic growth of the company JAVYS, mainly following the completion of the A1 and V1 NPP decommissioning projects. There have been continually performed activities in this field since 2013 that resulted in the establishment of a separate International Projects Department on 01 January 2015.

Since 2013, JAVYS has been successfully operating on the international nuclear services market, using the experience gained from the A1 and V1 NPP decommissioning, as well as from the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.

The International Projects Department focuses not only on its own implementation of international consultation projects, but also on activities towards new perspective partners and projects. These activities contribute to build the JAVYS brand and improve its position on the international market.
