The Minister of Economy, Peter Dovhun, and the State Secretary, Branislav Sušila, met the top management representatives of JAVYS at the company's premises in Jaslovské Bohunice. The subject of their discussion included current topics and issues related to the decommissioning processes of the A1 and V1 nuclear power plants, radioactive waste management, new nuclear builds, preparation of the deep repository project and construction, continuation of renewable energy projects under the JESS subsidiary as well as education and training of future experts.
Peter Dovhun, Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic:
“I visited company JAVYS for the first time and I am glad that we had the opportunity to meet the management representatives of the company. I inspected the new Interim Spent Fuel Storage facility, I had the opportunity to inspect the site and get a completely different perspective. It was important for me to talk personally about the company's priorities and future plans. I would like to emphasize again that we see the nuclear energy as an important part of the energy transformation. Yet, it is not only about the new nuclear power plants construction or about the operation of current ones. It is also for our country as well as all key partners to be on the same page when it comes to building the entire ecosystem and its further development. Moreover, this is crucial not only from the point of view of Slovakia as a whole. We can see where other countries that want to build new energy sources are heading. The key issues are the talent, capacity of contractors and, especially, the expertise that Slovakia has. We have something to build on and we do not have to start from the scratch."
The CEO of JAVYS, Pavol Štuller, also informed the Minister about the company´s future projects or about the postponement of the V1 NPP decommissioning end-date. He also provided more information regarding the project for the collection of historical radioactive waste in the territory of Slovakia and prospects in the field of small modular reactors, where company JAVYS obtained an authorization from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic for this specific area.
Pavol Štuller, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of company JAVYS:
"The Minister of Economy was informed about the current schedule of the V1 NPP and A1 NPP decommissioning projects and challenges related to the high complexity level of the decommissioning process of both nuclear power plants, as well as the development projects that are currently in preparation on site in Jaslovské Bohunice. I am pleased that we had an opportunity to inspect the newly constructed spent nuclear fuel storage facility together and that the Minister offered our company full support and assistance of the Ministry in crucial areas. The priority of JAVYS remains a safe and modern infrastructure provision to support the operation and development of nuclear energy sector in the Slovak Republic."