Knowledge about management of the large components with surfice complex geometry gained participants of an internationala training course, which was n cooperation with the International Atomic Agency from 10. -14. November 2014 organised by JAVYS.
The participants were experts from Ukraine, Lithavia, Bulgaria, Russia, Slovakia and IAEA representatives. Technical informations from decommissioning management of the large technological equipmnet various area were the main topics of the programme.
Introductory presentation was given by IAEA expert – Mr. Ivanov and it was about decommissioned nuclear reactors radiological characterization.
JAVYS experts then presented radiological charcterization of A1 NPP and V1 NPP and also V1 NPP detailed decommissioning database. This topic was more detailed covered by further presentations, including the techniques and methods for characterization and and free release to the enviroment. Topic of further presentations was fragmentation, dismantling and decontamination. Another IAEA expert – Mr. Mikheykin spoke of optimal large component dismantling methods selection and of various techniques for Rad-waste resulting from large components dismantling, tratment. JAVYS experts gave information about A1 NPP Primary Circuit dismantling plans and targets, about V1 NPP Reactor Pressure Vesel and Reactor internals management. Existing fragmentation and decontamination facilitiesl used for Slovak nuclear facilities decommissioning, were introduced. Another block of presentations was oriented to various Rad-waste management from decommissioning, low and very low Rad-waste disposal in the repository at Mochovce, role of the RAW Integral storage, which is under construction at Jaslovske Bohunice, as well as approach in the Nuclear safety area. The course was closed with topic of international experience and good praxis by NPPs large components management.
At the end Michael I. Ojovan, Waste Technology Section, IAEA higly appreciated the level of professionalism, by which the JAVYS perssonell has realised all parts of the course.