Another major milestone was achieved in the V1 NPP decommissioning process, namely the last cut on the removable part of the main circulation pump 65. This happened on 28 September 2021.
Fragmentation of all main circulation pumps, main closing valves and primary piping has thus been completed. Of the large components, fragmentation of the remaining five steam generators and reactors from both units needs to be performed. Fragmentation of the first reactor pressure vessel should also be finalized by the end of the calendar year. There is currently no primary circuit equipment in the hermetic compartments of the steam generators. In the wet fragmentation pools, fragmentation of the reactor internal structures of the first reactor was also completed. In 2022, fragmentation of the core basket, bearing shell, protective tube units and pressure vessel of Unit 2 reactor should be completed.
Thanks to the stable and reliable operation personnel of the V1 NPP, the highly rated chemical regime that was maintained in this power plant and also thanks to the successfully managed process of pre-dismantling decontamination of the primary circuit, it is possible to return more than 90% of this material to the recycling process. After processing, the remaining 10% will be stored in fibre concrete containers (FCC) and disposed of at the National Radwaste Repository in Mochovce, or in the Interim Storage of RAW in Jaslovské Bohunice.
As part of the implementation of the D4.2 project "Dismantling of reactor coolant system large components", approximately 200 employees of the Contractor participate daily in dismantling and fragmentation activities.