In the first half year of 2018 company JAVYS, a. s. performed six transports of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and participated in three transports of fresh nuclear fuel (FNF).
In the first half of 2018 company JAVYS, a. s. performed six transports of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the reactor units of SE, a. s., while all fuel assemblies were safely transported and placed in the Interim Spent Fuel Storage (ISFS) of company JAVYS, a. s. Transports included the transport of spent nuclear fuel from Unit 3 of V2 NPP, from Unit 4 of V2 NPP (Jaslovské Bohunice) and from Unit 1 of NPP Mochovce (Mochovce). Current storage capacity of the Interim Spent Fuel Storage (ISFS) has reached the level of 88.30 %.
Transport and storage of spent nuclear fuel is one of the key activities of company JAVYS, a. s. Nuclear and Decommissioning Company (JAVYS, a.s.) is the owner and operator of the Interim Spent Fuel Storage (ISFS) and holder of licenses from the regulatory authorities required by the legislation and corresponding regulations. It employs qualified personnel and has technical means necessary to perform these activities. During all transports of spent nuclear fuel conditions of effective permits for manipulation and transport of spent nuclear fuel issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic were complied with and inspectors of this authority and other regulatory authorities directly supervised the specific transports. Transports were performed in cooperation with units of the Ministries of Economy, Transport and Interior.
Apart from this, company JAVYS, a. s. participated in three transports of fresh nuclear fuel to operated reactor units of company SE, a. s. in the first half year of 2018. For Unit 1 of NPP Mochovce our company provided one transport and one transport was also provided for Unit 3 and Unit 4 of NPP Bohunice.
Mgr. Miriam Žiaková