It will send € 14,505,913 worth of dividends to the state, no royalties were paid to the Board of Directors.
In spite of the relatively difficult economic situation, in 2010, JAVYS has made a profit of € 14,505,913 (after taxation), whereby it has exceeded its plan for the year 2010 by 19.9 %.
The only shareholder of the company is the Ministry of Economics of the Slovak Republic. The whole volume of dividends will therefore go into the state budget. This follows from the balance of accounts of JAVYS as approved on 31.12.2010.
Despite the substantial profit, the shareholder decided not to pay any royalties to the Board of Directors in 2010, as it was in 2009 also.
The JAVYS company fulfilled all set operational goals in the past year:
- The total earnings and revenue from the operation was € 135,454,000
- € 8,400,000 thereof was drawn from the BIDSF
- € 45,718,000 thereof was drawn from NJF subventions
- The earnings total from nuclear services is € 58,562,000, whereby the plan for nuclear services for 2010 was fulfilled to 101.1 %
- Expenses were not exceeded with any planned expense item with a negative effect on the economy of JAVYS
All these goals were reached by the company without the need for drawing bank credit.
In 2010 the JAVYS continued to operate in compliance with the Final Nuclear Energetics Stage Strategy approved by the government of the Slovak Republic, especially by realizing the 2nd decommissioning stage of the A1 NPP, by operation termination of the V1 NPP and the preparation for the start of the 1st decommissioning stage of the V1 NPP in 2011. These activities included the radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management.
The JAVYS company is providing commercial services to the Slovenské elektrárne in the field of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management at the V2 NPP and EMO 1, 2 NPP.
Aside from this, the JAVYS company provides service contract services and commercial space renting services.
Ing. Dobroslav Dobák