In the first half of 2018, company JAVYS, a. s. provided for collection of radioactive materials of unknown origin in five cases.
Company JAVYS, a. s., is also an organization authorized to manage the orphan sources (emitters) and radioactive wastes of unknown origin, which may be found e.g. in waste recycling centres, ironworks or at the border crossing points, i.e. the collected radioactive materials. In the first half of 2018, company JAVYS, a. s., based on notifications from the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, provided for collection of radioactive materials of unknown origin in five cases, mainly collections of various parts of agricultural machinery. After their identification and documenting, collected radioactive materials are transported to be further managed in Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a.s. (JAVYS). Materials complying with limits for disposal at the National Radwaste Repository (NRR) are continuously processed and conditioned into safe form in fibre-concrete containers and are then transported to the National Radwaste Repository to be disposed of.
In the Slovak Republic, Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a. s. (JAVYS) provides activities in the area of back end of the nuclear energy. Its key activities include decommissioning of A1 and V1 nuclear power plants, radioactive waste management, spent nuclear fuel management, management of institutional radioactive waste and collected radioactive materials in the territory of the Slovak Republic. In all its activities, company JAVYS, a. s. pays particular attention to safety, quality and environment protection.
Mgr. Miriam Žiaková