Company JAVYS, a.s. is subjected to constant scrutiny of the regulatory authorities. In the first half of 2020 our company was inspected by inspectors up to 16 times. They focused on nuclear safety and compliance with regulations, and did not find any shortcomings.
Company JAVYS, a. s. and compliance with nuclear safety principles is regularly inspected by the regulatory authorities as well as international institutions. In the first half of 2020, sixteen (16) inspections were carried out (despite a difficult period during the COVID-19 pandemic and thereto related special sanitary and personnel measures), of which fourteen (14) were performed by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (NRA SR) and two (2) by the Regional Public Health Authority in Trnava.
Two of the NRA SR inspections were focused on the BIDSF projects - Dismantling of Reactor Coolant System Large Components, specifically inspecting the level of preparedness and safety of the wet-cutting workplaces equipment and basket transfer station in the V1 NPP reactor building.
In connection hereto it should be noted that on the 30th of May 2020 company JAVYS, a. s. carried out one of the most complex operations within the V1 NPP decommissioning project (BIDSF project D4.2), when it transported the pressure vessel from the Unit 1 reactor shaft to the fragmentation pool in the wet-cutting workplace. The activities related to wet cutting of the pressure vessel will now follow. The NRA SR inspection has also focused on the preparedness level of these processes. This operation was preceded by months of preparation, technical negotiations, design and manufacturing of handling equipment and approval of the necessary documentation by the regulatory authorities.
Another important inspection was the Physical Protection Inspection, aiming at verification of whether the detection systems installed in the individual nuclear facilities are functional and whether immediate and trouble-free data transfer from the detection and monitoring equipment to the control centre is ensured. No deficiencies were found in this case either.
The inspectors also paid attention to the professional training system for employees of company JAVYS, a. s. in the nuclear Facility for treatment and conditioning of radioactive waste and to compliance with nuclear safety during the transport of nuclear materials. This inspection showed no deficiencies.
Regional Public Health Authority in Trnava focused on review of proposal for the inclusion of work activities in the fourth category of risk works for the chemical factor - workplace for manufacturing of fibre-reinforced concrete containers in Jaslovské Bohunice. No deficiencies were found in this case either.
The results of inspections have demonstrated that all nuclear installations operated by company JAVYS, a. s., on sites of Jaslovské Bohunice and Mochovce meet the requirements for strict compliance with legislation of the Slovak Republic, international legislation and requirements of regulatory authorities for nuclear safety.
Mgr. Miriam Žiaková