Company JAVYS, a. s. to take over and process historical unused radioactive materials. They are found mainly in health care facilities, scientific and research workplaces, but also in educational establishments and industry.
Company JAVYS, a. s., based on the assignment from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and after mutual consultation and in cooperation with the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic (PHA SR) and Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, will gradually take over historical unused radioactive materials from state health care facilities in the first half of 2022. Subsequently, this waste will be processed and stored/disposed of in a professional, safe, reliable, economically efficient manner, with an emphasis on radiation protection of the population and environmental protection. This socially extremely important task and activity of all stakeholders is primarily aimed at ensuring the safety and protection of citizens, environment and reducing the risk of possible misuse or illegal handling of these materials.
Historical radioactive materials (IRAW - institutional radioactive waste), which are currently stored in the long-term in some health care facilities, research institutes, various medical laboratories, scientific workplaces, in educational institutions, etc., were used throughout Slovakia for example in treatment and diagnostics, especially for cancer patients or in research and scientific activities. In industry sector, these are mostly various measuring instruments and devices.
Over the last few months, the Public Health Authority has been actively monitoring the quantities, types, radionuclides and storage of these unused radioactive materials throughout Slovakia, including the non-state health care facilities, other state institutions, research and educational establishments and some industrial plants. The PHA SR received feedback from more than 90% of the addressed entities with a positive approach towards mutual coordination and promise of cooperation in the entire process of removal of historical radioactive materials located in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
Richard Sulík, Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic
"For the economy sector and for me personally, this is one of the priorities of 2022. After discussions with representatives of the Ministry of Health and hospital directors, it proved necessary for us to start engaging in this matter. The institutional radioactive waste accumulated over the years is not only overloading the institutions, but it also poses a threat to humans and the environment and there is also a risk of possible misuse or illegal handling of these materials."
Pavol Štuller, CEO of company JAVYS, a.s.
"JAVYS, a.s. is professionally and technologically prepared for the whole process and will cover the costs of removing the historical burden posed by institutional radioactive waste (IRAW) from state health care facilities from its own resources at this stage. The schedule of gradual collection of IRAW on the basis of documents provided by PHA SR is planned for the coming weeks, subsequently, from the 1st of March 2022, the actual collection and removal of waste should take place. Our employees as well as transport, monitoring, storage, processing and disposal capacities of JAVYS are ready."
In the future, company JAVYS, a.s. is prepared also for the take-over of historical waste from non-state health care facilities, different state institutions and other entities from the industry, research, education sectors and similar operations in the Slovak Republic.