Inspectors performed 50 inspections at JAVYS workplaces last year. They focused on nuclear safety and compliance with relevant regulations. No shortcomings were found.
Compliance with regulations and nuclear safety requirements in company JAVYS, a.s. is regularly checked by regulatory authorities, but also by international organizations. In 2023, fifty (50) inspections in total were performed at JAVYS workplaces, of which 37 were carried out by the Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA SR), 13 by inspectors from the international organizations - IAEA and EURATOM.
Last year, inspections of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic were focused on compliance with conditions of nuclear safety and with requirements of the regulators for decommissioning of the A1 nuclear power plant and V1 nuclear power plant in Jaslovské Bohunice, for import of radioactive waste in connection with international transport, and for disposal of radioactive waste at the National RadWaste Repository in Mochovce and transport of radioactive waste and nuclear materials. Also, the activities related to radioactive waste management in the Interim Spent Fuel Storage facility and Facility for Final Treatment of Liquid RAW were inspected. No shortcomings were found during these inspections.
Another important inspection was the inspection of spent nuclear fuel storage in Interim Spent Fuel Storage facility. In this case, too, no shortcomings were found.
Inspectors from the NRA SR paid attention to the nuclear physical safety culture and cyber security, and they also focused on the area of emergency preparedness, aiming their inspections at equipment and means intended for emergency preparedness, with a focus on inspecting the cooperation of the Emergency Response Organization during the on-site emergency planning and preparedness exercise.
Representatives of the international organizations inspected primarily the records and control processes of nuclear materials in place in the Interim Spent Fuel Storage facility, but also verified the project data and progress of the V1 NPP decommissioning and A1 NPP decommissioning from the point of view of applying the requirements for the nuclear safeguards. The new surveillance system in connection with construction of dry storage for spent nuclear fuel was installed. The IAEA and EURATOM inspectors have subsequently checked the correct functioning of this system. These inspections also found no shortcomings.
The outcomes of inspections have demonstrated that all of the nuclear facilities operated by company JAVYS, a.s., on sites in Jaslovské Bohunice and Mochovce meet the requirements of the Slovak legislation, international legislation and requirements of regulatory authorities for nuclear safety and their strict compliance.
In the Slovak Republic, Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a.s. (JAVYS) provides activities in the area of back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Its key activities include decommissioning of the A1 and V1 nuclear power plants, radioactive waste management, spent nuclear fuel management, management of institutional radioactive waste and radioactive materials of unknown origin in the territory of the Slovak Republic. In all its activities, company JAVYS, a.s., pays particular attention to safety, quality and environment protection.
Ms. Miriam Žiaková