There was a continuous positive trend in the field of Occupational Health & Safety and Fire Protection in 2023 in company JAVYS, a. s., and the company successfully defended the internationally recognized certificate according to ISO 45001:2018, which confirms that the management process in the field of Occupational Health & Safety in JAVYS, a. s., meets the high criteria and requirements of this standard.
The level of Occupational Health & Safety and Fire Protection in the company is evaluated after the workplace inspections, which assess compliance with statutory labour law requirements and related regulations. The purpose of inspection activities is to ascertain the facts, to adopt measures and to remedy the identified deficiencies.
One of the main indicators that provides a comprehensive picture of the state of Occupational Health & Safety in the company is the accident rate indicator, i.e. the correlation between the number of registered accidents at work and the average number of employees in the company, which reached a value of “0” in the monitored period. Prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases at hazardous workplaces was ensured by inspection activities and allocation of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment in accordance with the established operating regulations and risk assessments.
Occupational Health & Safety is one of the company's top priorities, and eliminating accidents at work to the lowest possible level is therefore its main objective. In JAVYS, a. s., this is achieved by continuously identifying hazards and dangers in the performance of work activities, monitoring the findings and adopting safety measures. Maximum emphasis is paid to compliance with Occupational Health & Safety and Fire Protection requirements at all workplaces related to radioactive waste management, spent nuclear fuel management and decommissioning of V1 and A1 nuclear power plants.
The company pays particular attention to safety of its Contractors, who are provided with training and information on Occupational Health & Safety, Fire Protection and access to Occupational Health & Safety documentation.
The company ensures the conditions of fire safety of the buildings stipulated in the legislation performing preventive inspection activities and keeping the fire safety equipment in functional and operable state.
Company JAVYS, a. s., ensures activities in the field of back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle in the Slovak Republic. Its main activities include the decommissioning of the A1 and V1 nuclear power plants, management of radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel, institutional radioactive waste and collected radioactive material within the territory of the Slovak Republic. Company JAVYS, a. s., pays particular attention to safety, quality and environmental protection in all its activities.
Ms. Miriam Žiaková