News, Press Releases, Written about us

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Nuclear Safety, Occupational Health & Safety and Fire Protection in 2018

In 2018, in company JAVYS, a. s., no accident at work of an ...

Recycling of secondary raw materials from decommissioning

In 2018, company JAVYS, a. s., recycled more than 1,246 tonnes of secondary raw materials within the decommissioning ...

Drawing of EU funds for V1 NPP decommissioning

Slovakia, through its state-owned company Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť (hereinafter referred to as “JAVYS&r ...

Issues of radioactive waste management in Slovakia were discussed in Košice

Technical University of Košice (TUKE), within the frame ...

The V1 NPP Cooling towers have been demolished

Four cooling towers of the former nuclear power plant V1 in Jaslovské Bohunice have been demolished.

Company JAVYS, a. s. appoints a new CEO from the 14th of September 2018.

A call for applications regarding the selection procedure for ...

Company JAVYS at the world exhibition in Paris

In the upcoming period, company JAVYS intends to expand in the area of commercial activities and consultancy services ...

Occupational Health & Safety and Fire Protection in the First Half of 2018

In the first half of 2018 no fire or work-related accident ...

Recycling of secondary raw materials from decommissioning

In the first half of 2018, company JAVYS, a. s., recycled more than 826 tonnes of secondary raw materials within the ...

Five cases of collecting the radioactive materials of unknown origin in the first half of 2018

In the first half of 2018, company JAVYS, a. s. provided for ...
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V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities