Javys, a.s.

Current projects

All projects


Project group:

A – Projects related to the V1 NPP operation termination
B – Documentation projects required for the decommissioning
C – Projects related to radioactive waste management
D – Projects related to decommissioning

Project status:
Project identification
Project identification Project name Project status
A5-A3 Optimisation of Electric Scheme Completed
A5-B1 Modification of heating and steam distribution system Completed
A5-B2 Reliable Heat and Steam Supply: Reconstruction of the Auxiliary Boiler Station at the Bohunice Site Completed
A5-C Modification of Cooling and Service Water Systems, and Raw Water Inlet System Completed
A5-D Modification to site supplies of essential fluids systems Completed
A5-E Spent fuel management Completed
A5-F Storage Casks for Spent Fuel Completed
A6/B8 PMU offices relocation and NPP V1 decommissioning information centre Completed
A7.1 Tag-out system Completed
A7.2 Definitive final tag outs plan V1 NPP (Stage 2) -TAG OUT of the systems Completed
B6.1 The V1 NPP Conceptual Decommissioning Plan Completed
B6.2 The Environmental Impact Assessment Report of V1 NPP Decommissioning Completed
B6.3 The V1 NPP Decommissioning 1st Stage Plan & Other Documentation Completed
B6.4 Decommisioning database Completed
B6.4A Decommissioning Database - technological upgrade Completed
B6.5 V1 NPP Decommissioning 2nd Stage Plan & Licensing Documentation Completed
B6.6A Decommissioning Support Surveys Implementation
B6.7 Environmental Impact Assessment Report of 2nd Stage of V1 NPP Decommissioning Completed
B7.2 Personnel Training for the Purpose of 1st Stage of V1 NPP Decommissioning Completed
C10 Free Release of Decommissioning Materials Completed