Press Releases

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The decommissioning stage of the V1 NPP has started

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD SR) has issued a resolution about the approval of the first ...

In 2010 the JAVYS company made a profit

It will send € 14,505,913 worth of dividends to the state, no royalties were paid to the Board of Directors. In spite ...

JAVYS has signed four grant agreements for the financing of the V1 NPP Bohunice decommissioning, to be funded from the BIDSF

The Ministry of Economics made changes in the management of JAVYS

Based on the resolution by the only shareholder, from 20.

JAVYS and ČEZ will build a new nuclear power station in Slovakia

Prague, May 29, 2009 — Today, in honour of the 4th session of the European Nuclear Forum, the representatives of ...

Restart of Bohunice V1 NPP Unit 2 is no more needed

Because the standard gas delivery to Slovakia was renewed and due to the fact that the Slovak electroenergetic system ...
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V1 NPP Decommissioning A1 NPP Decommissioning Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Management of Institutional Radioactive Waste and Captured Radioactive Materials RAW Management Transport of RAW and SNF Commercial activities