Javys, a.s.

Press Releases

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Spent Nuclear Fuel Transport

Company JAVYS, a.s., accompanied by armed forces, transported 144 spent nuclear fuel assemblies under strict safety conditio ...

Austrian ambassador with a delegation at the repository inspection in Mochovce

The National Radwaste Repository (NRR) in Mochovce was visited ...

Fragmentation of the last steam generator

Fragmentation of the last of twelve 145-tonne steam generators started at the decommissioned V1 nuclear power plant in ...

Slovaks and Czechs will tackle the issues of lifetime of nuclear facilities together.

Slovak and Czech experts will intensify cooperation in the ...

Company JAVYS, a. s. to take over and process historical unused radioactive materials.

Company JAVYS, a. s. to take over and process historical unuse ...

Transport of the second reactor pressure vessel

During the weekend company JAVYS, a.s., for the second time, successfully completed one of the most complex operations ...

The Company JAVYS and IAEA agency signed the Agreement on Collaborating Centre

The company JAVYS joined the "club" of Collaborating Centres ...

In the first half of 2020, company JAVYS, a.s. recycled more than 3,600 tonnes of secondary raw materials

Company JAVYS, a.s. succeeds again in the global market

Company JAVYS, a.s. succeeds again in the global market. An ambitious project of technical design for a radioactive waste ...

Inspections in company JAVYS, a. s.

Company JAVYS, a.s. is subjected to constant scrutiny of the regulatory authorities. In the first half of 2020 our company ...
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