Javys, a.s.

News, Press Releases, Written about us

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ENEF 2023 Conference

Support of the nuclear energy sector and new nuclear builds will be prime ministerial topics in Slovakia, said the Prime ...

Representatives of the National Nuclear Fund visit JAVYS

Members of the Board of Trustees, the Board of Governors and management of the National Nuclear Fund of the Slovak Republic ...

Company JAVYS becomes a Consultant in South Africa

Company JAVYS has extensive expertise in the field of decommissioning and operation of nuclear facilities, which it provides ...

Company JAVYS and Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University will cooperate in the scientific research field and educational process

JAVYS and EDF signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement

On 25 August 2023 during an official visit of the Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Ing. Peter Dovhun, companies ...

JAVYS and the University of Economics in Bratislava sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Company JAVYS and the University of Economics in Bratislava ...

Minister of Economy visits JAVYS

The Minister of Economy, Peter Dovhun, and the State Secretary, Branislav Sušila, met the top management representati ...

JAVYS, a. s., and Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Sign Two Memorandums

JAVYS and Westinghouse Electric Company LLC announced the sign ...

Fifty representatives of towns and municipalities from all over Europe visit the National Radioactive Waste Repository

Slovakia Sets Global Example for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning

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